The Critically Acclaimed
YPC Documentary This Time Round

Never before has the intrinsic connection between artistic expression and mental health been so poignantly clear. The overwhelming experiences brought on by the recent pandemic made a deep and profound impact in the daily lives and perspectives of us all—but most visibly, in the lives of our young people.

This Time Round explores the many facets of the extended pandemic’s intense emotional toll—fear, isolation, sadness and hopefulness—as experienced through the eyes of the young choristers and accomplished composers from The Young People’s Chorus of New York City.

Featuring original musical pieces, unique vocal performances and one-on-one interviews with YPC’s artists and children, This Time Round is a shining testament to the inspiration and resilience we find in the musical arts even in the darkest of times.


Press Kit

The Critically Acclaimed
YPC Documentary This Time Round

Never before has the intrinsic connection between artistic expression and mental health been so poignantly clear. The overwhelming experiences brought on by the recent pandemic made a deep and profound impact in the daily lives and perspectives of us all—but most visibly, in the lives of our young people.

This Time Round explores the many facets of the extended pandemic’s intense emotional toll—fear, isolation, sadness and hopefulness—as experienced through the eyes of the young choristers and accomplished composers from The Young People’s Chorus of New York City.

Featuring original musical pieces, unique vocal performances and one-on-one interviews with YPC’s artists and children, This Time Round is a shining testament to the inspiration and resilience we find in the musical arts even in the darkest of times.


Press Kit

Film Trailer



The Storytellers

The Storytellers

The Composers

Samuel Adler

Derek Bermel

Thomas Cabaniss

Paquito D'Rivera

Aneesa Folds

Michael Gordon

Gordon Getty

Michael Harrison

Ted Hearne

Yuka Honda

David Lang

Elizabeth Núñez

Francisco J. Núñez

Jim Papoulis

Paola Prestini

The Choreographers

Jean Borges

Tommy Scrivens

Megan Williams

The Conductors

Emma Hathaway

Caitlin Henning

Elizabeth Núñez

Francisco J. Núñez

Sophia Papoulis

Maria Peña

Sonny Willis

The Filmmakers

Francisco J. Núñez

Ansley Sawyer


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